
By Ted and Carolyn Catranis

Climbing Mt. Rainier

July 30 - August 2, 2009 with RMI

I am very glad that I used the opportunity to climb Mt. Rainier with RMI as my guide group. It is an incredibly beautiful volcanic mountain that is also an extremely difficult challenge. It is well worth the effort.

Get in shape and give it a try. But do not take fitness lightly. This is very difficult. No matter how skilled or fit you are, there is always the possibility of acute mountain sickness. Not everyone will summit.

It took a couple days, but we made it. Congratulations to everyone who takes the challenge and summits Mt. Rainier.

Thanks to my climbing and training partners: Curt and Kim, Steve and Cristina, Carl, Sally, Rand and Avery.

Special thanks to the great RMI guides: Andres, Jenny and Rob

Image Gallery.  Click the arrows to view a few great shots.

We hope to see you out there.


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